A Bit About Us

Two 60 somethings, exploring life..

our History

We’ve been together for over twenty years, and through the ups and downs we have remained… amongst other things… best friends.

In 2014, completely out of the blue, Lucy was diagnosed with Leukeamia. This came as such a shock as she was given a year to live unless she had a bone marrow transplant. What a hideous ordeal, but it brought us together and made us stronger, which is one of the main reasons we try to do so much now.

We love laughing, we love our friends and good company, and we love travelling but with lockdown we have found our wings severely clipped, so we started walking!


The Walking

Corona Virus (Covd-19), and all the inconveniences it brought with it, really opened our eyes to exploring our local area. We found so many places to go that we never knew existed, not to mention giving us a whole new perspective on the English countryside.

Once we started we found ourselves walking miles, and for people who thought a mile to the local curry house was a major trek – it was a real eye opener.

Don’t get us wrong, we are definitely not hardcore ramblers, but we have found you can really enjoy yourself in your everyday clothes, whilst getting the exercise you need.

We have gone from being amongst the average people who happily walk the pavements and roads, to a pair of quite avid walkers exploring countryside paths, paddocks, and woodlands. We have walked further than we would have ever imagined and are now constantly asked for route ideas … which is why we want to share some of our Wicked Walks.

Routes for walkers, non-walkers, and enthusiastic explorers!




Guy (Zig)

Lucy (Piglet)
